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PCBs for LED lighting applications

by: Dec 20,2013 1190 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

Printed-circuit board PCB

label: PCB,Printed-circuit board

There's a global trend emerging, even before the previous trend had reached completion. After nearly a century of standardization on incandescent bulbs, LED lighting for bulb-type applications are coming on even before Compact Fluorescent (CFL) bulbs could achieve a majority foothold in the global marketplace.

Some would say that's just as well, but this discussion thread is not to compare the strengths and weaknesses of CFL and LED.

Instead, with all the global push, as led by Japan, to move on to LED illumination technologies, LEDs are probably becoming even more important to your work. So let's share on that. Do you find yourself using LEDs for more than simple status lights on your boards? Do you see an increase in LED/Illumination type work for your teams in the future? If so, what board features are you looking for? New LED-friendly substrates? Mirrored soldermask to reflect light? Other techniques?

Let us know what you're thinking on LEDs. Shed some light !

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