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Precautions of the PCB drawing board

by: Dec 16,2013 1249 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

Printed-circuit board PCB drawing board

label: pcb drawing board,Printed-circuit board

PCB made ​​in the course of painting on the package before you import libraries generated in the drawing board, all corresponding with the physical, for some elements in the painting not encapsulated pcb footprint library, they should be measured with a vernier caliper first of its kind get some accurate parameter values​​, and then draw the library package, to ensure that the package is correct.

On the board layout as much as possible into a rectangle of cloth (usually to achieve a ratio of 10:6), to ensure the full board, minimizing board size. Download port, serial port, USB port, charging port, buttons, etc. should be placed in the periphery.

Bottom-mount chip microcontroller should not take the line, to reduce electromagnetic interference. The wiring on the wiring underlayer and the top part to ensure that the vertical cross wiring, to reduce interference. Appropriate time to add some vias as a test hole circuit. Power cord ground bold are required.


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