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Sided pcb circuit board design using relatively automatic and manual design

by: Jan 10,2014 1315 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

printed circuit board printed circuit board design circuit board PCB

Automatic approach to design and produce single-sided circuit board wiring diagram , and what kind of depends on many factors. Each method has its optimum range to choose from.

1 manual design and generation of wiring diagrams
For simple single-sided and double-sided , hand design is the preferred method , it can also be successfully applied to a single product or small batch production relatively high complexity of the circuit. Manual design with high maneuverability and all possible human ingenuity . However, for highly complex digital circuit board , more particularly comprising an integrated circuit board 100 , the design is difficult to achieve by hand . In the manual method the quality , time and personnel training needed aspects are also restricted. Worldwide , the design and layout of a large proportion of generated printed circuit board is still done by hand . The method does not require any manual full investment , so more is used, although it has become possible to achieve fewer parts , particularly in the digital design of the printed circuit board .

2 Auto Design
Automatic printed circuit board design and layout generation is very valuable , it requires a standardized input, with a small number of simple implementation specifications. For more than 150 integrated circuit design includes a high precision and complex digital circuit board and the multiple substrates extremely difficult , it is an ideal tool. The total design time can be reduced from weeks to days , and can obtain an almost perfect result . For a large printed circuit board design , the need for a strict timetable , which is very important while debugging and correction required to achieve a minimum , which makes CAD often become the preferred method. Automatic drawing wiring diagram also has higher accuracy than hand-painted or taping methods. Analog printed circuit board is usually not using automatic design because it is different from the digital circuitry, analog most difficult to simplification of the printed circuit board design conditions , it is difficult to generate an intuitive and simple embodiment of the specification table .

Large investments Computer Aided Drafting always require the system fully utilized. If the integrated circuit board is less than 20 , the number of discrete components more than 50 % , or only need a small amount of single-sided circuit board using computer aided drawing almost no effect.

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