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Tips To Help You With power circuits On PCB Board

by: Dec 30,2013 867 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

Pcb board PCB ground connection

Keyword: pcb ground connection, Pcb board

Large voltage and current spikes from power circuits can generate disruptive interference in the control circuits pcb board, which are usually low voltage and current. For each power supply stage, you should keep power ground and control ground separate. If you tie them together in the PCB, do it in a point near the end of the supply path (most notably near the PCB ground connection) pcb board. In case you are thinking about using a multilayer circuit board, use the top layer for power traces, the bottom layer for control traces and an inner layer for the control ground. The large ground plane in the middle pcb board layer will offer a small impedance path for any interference from the power circuits and protect the control paths from it pcb board.

This is actually a general tip, but it is more important for power circuits. pcb board You should size the width of the wire of each power path according to the current that flows through it. pcb board Failing to do so can generative excessive heat and burn the wires. pcb board You can use this online calculator to calculate their width.


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