Customer requirements: “We would like to protect the sensor against humidity, dirt or any other damage that could be introduced due t fact that it is in contact with the skin and the air. But this protection layer should be transparent in order to er performance of the sensor. Do you have any special resin or something to protect it? We were thinking in som that could be adapted to any shape.”
Design step:
Step 1 - Inserting Components
Insert the exposed components into a pre-designed mold. The mold can accommodate multiple components to increase throughput.
Step 2 - Injection Molding
Unique resin technology allows for the finest components to be encapsulated at low temperatures and pressures.
Step 3 - Test Equipment
Components are now ready for mechanical testing and final assembly. Significantly reduced holding times allow components to be processed immediately after molding.
Flexible PCB full view
Idea A
Encapsulate only the components
1. Transparent: The material of the encapsulate has to be transparent for the proper working of the SPO2.
2. Rounds: The corners of the encapsulate will touch the skin so we need rounded corners.
3. Seal: The full assembly will be occasionally washed underwater. We need that SPO2 is completely sealed.
4. Heat resistant: In the manufacturing process it is a step where the assembly will be heated with an idustrial iron at 150ºC for 10 seconds.
Idea B
Plastic cover glued to flex PCB
1. Transparent: Transparent at least over the SPO2. Flex PCB will be black so, if cheaper, it is ok if the cover is fully transparent.
2. Rounds: The corners of the encapsulate that will touch the skin need rounded corners.
3. Thin flap: The flap surrounding the components should be the thinner possible.
4. Seal: The full assembly will be occasionally washed underwater. We need that SPO2 is completely sealed.
5. Heat resistant: In the manufacturing process, there is a step where the assembly will be heated with an industrial iron at 150ºC for10 seconds.
Finished product Renderings: