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Using Photo Paper to Make Pcb Circuit Board Transfers

by: Dec 24,2013 1247 Views 0 Comments Posted in News

circuit board PCB PCB circuit board

Keyword: PCB circuit board, PCB, circuit board

Every once in a while you come across a very simple idea that helps change your way of doing things or saves you a lot of time and money. This just so happened to be one of those ideas for me. I love ideas that can be had using locally available materials as not to depend so much on specialized sources giving me a slight feeling of freedom and immortality. Ha! Designing circuit boards, making them, and then drilling the holes in the board has always been a headache for me. So much so, that I have resorted to my "Alternative" method of making circuit boards for most of my projects for many years now. Life seems too short to go through the headache of painfully figuring out how to layout your circuit board or trying to copy some pre-made Pcb Circuit Board design. Thanks to a great suggestion by Mark hammer it is possible to use normal photo print paper as iron on transfers for making PCB's.

(Pcb Circuit Board) There are other materials available for this such as "print and peel" but they are quite a bit more expensive and in most cases they will have to be mail ordered from some distant land. Within walking distance from my house I was able to spend 90 cents for three sheets of photo paper. A very cheap low risk experiment.

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