
The property of a fluid that enables it to develop and maintain a level of shearing stress dependent upon the velocity of flow and then offer continued resistance to flow. The absolute unit of viscosi...


Virtual Prototype

A virtual (computer model) representation of an electronic product that can be used to explore different design scenarios and then verify that the product will work as planned before building a physic...

Virtual Prototype


A plated through-hole used as an interlayer connection and not as a terminating point for a component lead. It may also be blind (incomplete penetration) or buried (non-surfacing).


Via Hole

A plated through-hole whose only purpose is to connect a track on one layer or side of the board through to a track on another layer or side. In a via, there is no intention to insert a component lead...

Via Hole

Vapour Phase

The solder re-flow process that uses a vaporized solvent as the source for heating the solder beyond its melting point,creating the component-to-board solder joint.

Vapour Phase

Vacuum Pick-up

A component handling tool with a small vacuum cup for ease of pick-up and removal during de-soldering.

Vacuum Pick-up

Unsupported Hold

A hole containing no conductive material nor any other type of reinforcement.

Unsupported Hold

Underwriters’ Symbol

A logotype authorized for placement on a product which has been recognized (accepted) by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL).

Underwriters’ Symbol


A groove or excavation at one edge of a conductor caused by etching.


Ultrasonic Soldering

Fluxless soldering wherein molten solder is vibrated at ultrasonic frequencies while making the joint.

Ultrasonic Soldering


Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc., a corporation for the purpose of establishing safety standards on types of equipment or components in USA and Canada.



The deformation of a rectangular sheet, panel or printed board, that occurs parallel to a diagonal across its surface in such a way that one of the comers of the sheet is not in the plane formed by th...


Trim Lines

Lines which define the borders of a printed board.

Trim Lines


Dielectric material with higher glass transition temperature and better thermal stability than epoxy resin, however, more expensive and not in common use.


Transmission Line

A signal-carrying circuit composed of conductors and dielectric material  with controlled electrical characteristics used for the transmission of high-frequency or narrow-pulse type signals.

Transmission Line

Transmission Cable

Two or more transmission lines.

Transmission Cable


The metallic conductive strips that provide connections between components, terminals, etc., on printed circuits.



A single conductive path in a conductive pattern.



A soldering defect in which a chip component moves into a vertical position during solidification of the solder so that only one terminal is connected. It is caused by defective re-flow processing.


Tolling Hole

Also called fabrication hole, pilot hole, or manufacturing hole. These are used as PCB reference points upon which other dimensions are based.

Tolling Hole

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