Hello!I have a question that is not necessarily related to PCBs, rather about PCBWay and beans.I've been trying to gather beans for a while to change with a JCD soldering kit and an Arduino Mega, ...
Hello experts, very unusual question: In my design the top surface of the PCB as used a mechanical surface (think of a hockey puck sliding around on it).What materials as part of the pcb fab...
If I upload a design that uses pure DVI protocol (no audio, no HDCP, no logo) over an HDMI connector, are there licensing issues if I share that design with the community? I read that there are ...
I have a hardware component that requires 5V and 300mA to work. The Arduino output current of the Pins is 50mA, to the best of my knowledge. Only 40mA for 5V Pins.My idea was to use the 5V and 2A of a...
Please anyone tell me how to place components at bottom layer of PCB on Easyeda.com at the time of design. Please anyone help me to design the pcb as soon as possible.
I'm fairly new to electronics, accidentally made an oscillator with this circuit. As showed in the pic, R5 would be an 8 Ohm speaker, or otherwise there could be an LED to show the oscillation. Th...
Для ремонта майнингово оборудования мне нужны хешплаты различных Асиков,но больше всего хешплаты майнера S19pro, gerber файла у меня нет , возможно вам уже приходилось делать подобные заказы?
Hi guys, I need to simulate button presses to a keypad. When one of the buttons are pressed they just go to ground. I have 6 buttons and I want the Arduino to do the same thing as pushing one of the b...