Hello guys, I need to find this wpc005050-0001 board. This boards are from speakers Genius SW-HF 5.1 5050 V2, i need to find this board and buy it and i need to have fully working both board...
I’m ordering for this project: https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/weeCee___Tiny_DOS_Gaming_PC.html PCBWAY is looking for PNP/centroid/pick&place file(s). Can someone help me fi...
So I am making a camera module for a school project and know a lot about mechanical and electrical engineering, but coding has never been my strong suit. do any of you know if there is open-source cod...
Hey everyone so I've been doing electronics for 15+ years but I can't for the life of me make a PCB at least not one as complex as the one I need to be made so I'm hoping someone can make ...
Hi there, Robert here from new zealand.Firstly thank you for sharing your proyects I think they re amazing!I have decide to make the 4g jammer, I have order it from pcbway, but I have received a...
merhaba ben otomasyon b?lümünde okuyan bir lise ??rencisiyim ve akl?mda birka? proje var bunlar i?in daha ?nce birka? yere sordum destek olmalar?n? talep ettim ama hi? geri d?nü? alamad?m ?imdide sizd...