
[PCB Prototype] Change Gerber files of shared project

Good dayIs it possible to change the gerber files of a shared project?I have a shared project, I have made some few improvement an dwould like to edit it.Is it possible? How?Thanks
  • answered Mar 11,2021
    by Obaida

[Others] abuses in shared projects

is it allowed for non author to share gerber files for project he has no rights to?here is offending shared project:https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/SIC__Cartridge_Atari.htmlhere is origina...

[PCB Prototype] the message "Please Select Finished Copper" appears when ordering

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[PCB Prototype] Can I reupload gerber files to my shared project?

Hi, my shared project https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Arduinoflake_PCB.htmlhas an error in its gerber files, can I somehow reupload the gerber files to fix this problem?Thanks you.
Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 9
2 weslley ramos 1
3 Epishko Dmitry 1