
[PCB Prototype] SMT & THT Assembly

From what i have read, PCBway support SMT and THT assembly. Im used to using *** PCB who only support SMT on one side of the board. I provide *** PCB with the .bom and the .pos + Gerbers and...

[SMT Stencil] What are the differences and advantages between SMT and THT

What are the differences and advantages between SMT and THT?Which is better, SMT Engineer or molding engineer?

[PCB Assembly] Is there 'repeat order' option for smt orders?

Hey, I know that pcbway has "repeat order" option for pcb orders. So I was wondering if there was such option for smt.
  • answered Aug 20,2018
    by PCBWay

[PCB Assembly] Pcbway accept semi-finished PCB assembly?

Hi, does pcbway accept semi-finished PCB assembly?I mean not all components in the bom, just part of them, because some components maybe need to be adjusted according to the test.
Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 9
2 weslley ramos 1
3 Epishko Dmitry 1