Filament Spool Smart Lamp - Hue, MQTT, Alexa & Sound Reactivity - ESP32 & Fusion 360 File
Over time I have collected a few empty spools, which, for some reason always seemed too good to just let the local council recycle them. Now it's time to make something with them.
The filament spool lamp is not a new idea but I wanted to add some additional features using the ESP32 tucked away inside the base which allows for some cool sound synced shiny shows or MQTT, Philips Hue, and Alexa integrations
This upcycled lamp doesn't cost much for its size and impact thanks to the use low cost legs and empty filament spools for the bulk of the structure. 3D printing finishes of the remainder of the parts including the feet, base, top and shades. A custom PCB makes wiring a cinch and the use of common through-hole components mean no special soldering skills are required either.
It's driven by an ESP32 running the free WLED software to control the string of addressable 12v WS2811 LEDs. A integrated dial at the top of the lamp allows for dimming at the twist of the top, and a button hidden on the bottom also allows you to change the lighting pattern without needing to find your smartphone. Of course, this can all be controlled using a free app on your phone, Alexa, Hue or MQTT.
List of items used in this project and where to find them:
■ ESP32 Dev Board (x1):
■ INMP44 Microphone (x1):
■ WS2811 12v LEDs:
■ DC to DC Buck converter (Mini 360 - x1):
■ Potentiometer 5k (x1):
■ 1k Resistor (x1):
■ Tactile Button 12mm high (x1):
■ Logic Level Shifter (74AHCT125):
■ Barrel connector suitable for at least 5amps
■ Wooden Rods / Broom Handles:
■ 3D Printer Filament:
12v Power Supply (allow 0.7amps at least for every 10 LEDs):
■ (6 amp+):
■ (2 amp):
■ Projects PCB: Follow the link at the top to order some right here on PCBWay.
I use a Prusa MK3S for my projects and highly recommend both it and the Prusa Mini. If I inspired you to take up 3D printing please consider purchasing a printer via this link:
Prusa support my channel when you use that link at no cost to yourself. :)
The WLED firmware can be downloaded from here:
3D printed parts, wiring diagrams, FAQ etc can be found here:
Where I learnt to create PCBs in Fusion 360:
Discord server for this project:
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Filament Spool Smart Lamp - Hue, MQTT, Alexa & Sound Reactivity - ESP32 & Fusion 360 File
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
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- Candra Suma Wibowo Nov 06,2024
- Viktor Ivanovich Gerasimov Jun 21,2023
- Lewis DIYMachines Apr 11,2023
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