ARM Cortex M4 Development Board

My name is Daniel Guzman, i'm from Mexico, i'm an electronics engineer student at 5th grade, i'm currently in a class called "Design Software" it's specially focused to learning electronic simulation and pcb designing. This project is my final test to pass the class, it's a ARM M4 Cortex develpment board, it's special designed because we're actually going to use it the next grade in microprocessors class.

We started from our proffesor already built and working PCB and schematic...


from there, everyone customized it a little bit. This development board has a battery slot and a 32.768KHz oscillator so it supports real time clock. A camera, a NRF24 and a TFT LCD slots are built in for their use. It also features 4 programable switches and 8 LEDs.

Connectivity isn't a limitation neither, we have special pins for voltage and ground connectios, as SPI,I2C and STLink connectors.

We also have a RAM included, so we never run out of storage for heavy tasks, as i said, this development board is going to be used in a future class, one of the tests that this board will have is as a PID, as storage (RAM) and also a security system with the camera and the LCD.


My final PCB looks like this



We also tried to do it in a tight budget, as tight as we could as you can see in the build of materials document, the stimated total is about 45 dollars.

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Oct 23,2018
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