Data Acquisition Board for Embedded Signal Processing

### DESCRIPTION ( Introduce yourserlf and your project)

My name is Onur Yusuf Çınar from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey and I am a Master of Science student in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I'm required to finish a hardware project that includes PCB design, signal processing and wireless communication in order to complete my master thesis as a single project member. My project topic is constructing a data acquisition board that collects data from its slaves and process it on an embedded application. Then, all collected and processed data will be transferred to a mobile device or a computer via wireless communication.

### TECHNICAL DETAILS (With project photos)

Main Board

This will be a wearable system that is placed around human body and collects some physical signals such as temperature and body movement via accelerometer. Main board is built on a high-perfomance ARM Cortex M7 microcontroller which collects data from different channels almost simultaneously. Its power management, memory for data storage, and wireless and cable communication parts are designed on the same board. Slave boards will be connected to the main board via connectors at the edges of the board and they will also be powered through main board.


Slave Board

Slave boards are required so as to collect data from human body. Via SPI ( Serial Peripheral Interface) communication, all boards can communication with main part simultaneously. Temperature, accelerometer, gyroscope and other signals can be transmitted to a mobile device or a computer via main board.


After completing PCB part and soldering, embedded application will be done on microcontroller and 3d printed enclosures will be designed.

### Words to PCBWay

I am very glad to work with PCBWay with my previous orders and I have noticed their Educational Sponsorship while I was starting to my master thesis. PCB design of my project is a little bit complicated because of the fact that paralel memories and 144-pin microcontroller. Therefore, 4-layer PCB becomes a compulsory for me and also gold immersion is necessity for hand-soldering and better signal quality. As a result, thank you PCBWay for their sponsorship.

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Oct 23,2017
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