ESP Remote for Alexa

### DESCRIPTION ( Introduce yourserlf and your project)

Hi, my name is Martin Cota and I built as a personal challenge an ESP Remote to control any kind of IR devices. My project is fully compatible with Alexa and other Virtual Assistants and is a very simple circuit to build, as you can see in the picture. I started this project to be able to control old devices using Alexa, so that anyone can change a TV channel even if the TV is old, or even turn on an air coditioner, always thinking on LOW cost, so everyone can have one, although, I'm not considering selling it at all, just build it for me and my family, for fun and learning. I started this project to show my friends and family how easy is to do it, even without much electronics skills and very little programming too (I do work on IT but not a developer at all, just do it on my free time). I've been carring around the Arduino and ESP torch everywhere I go, cause it's amazing.

### TECHNICAL DETAILS (With project photos)

Project is easy build with 3 x leds (could work with less but the idea is to cover several devices), 2 x resistances, 1 x 5v-3.3v regulator, 1 x 2N2222 transistor and 1 x ESP01. I don't have the circuit yet for PCB printing has I don't have the skill to do it yet. If need more details pls let me know.

### Words to PCBWay

Thnanks for the oportunity, it's really amazing that you support ppl projects, here in Argentina is very hard to get PCB builds in small amounts so most of the projects small entusiast build end up in nothing unfortunatelly.

PD: Sorry for my bad english.

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Nov 01,2017
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