The Icarus UFRJ Formula SAE Team is an engineering team (but not only) that uses a prototype of the Formula type to achieve its objectives. It was founded in 2004, the year of the first competition in the Formula SAE in Brazil, by undergraduate students in Mechanical Engineering, together with professor Fernando Castro Pinto, being one of the pioneers in the country. Your trajectory reflects the commitment and contribution of all those who went through it, because the performance of the team depends entirely on the students who form it. Our mission, vision and values are : 

Mission: Simulate the work environment in order to develop in a unique way the team members at professional, interpersonal and academic levels.

Vision: To be a reference among the Academy, making us a model initiative among competition teams, in terms of training experienced professionals and trained to act not only in the labor market, but also in all sectors in which Icarus operates.

Values: Leadership, Empathy, Belonging and Commitment.

As a team that is constantly pursuing improvements at every bit of the car, it is essential that we have a good understanding of how the dynamics of the car works and how the modifications that we make in the prototype´s setup will affect it’s overall performance. With that in mind, we developed a system to measure the tyres and brake disc temperature during our tests utilizing 4 mlx sensors, three sensors on the tire (left-middle-right) and one at the brake. The sensors will send the information to an arduino via the i2c protocol and then it will be sent to a teensy board via CAN bus, where it will be stored in a micro SD card for further analysis. As a first implementation our intention is to make the system work for one of the tires and one brake disc, and in the future expand it to the other tires and brake discs.

To bring that project to reality, we would need to make three boards, one for the arduino and CAN bus, one for the 3 mlx sensors on the tires and one for the teensy.

Arduino board

Teensy Board

MLX board

 As a non-profit project we are always working to find partners to help us grow and improve our project and for that we are certain that PCBWay would be an amazing sponsor.

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Mar 29,2023
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