Individual Student Sponsorship 1


Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science :  Bogdan

My project about development super lowcost universal radio sensors for use in home, office or farm. This sensors it’s a part of IOT system that will help optimizate energy efficiency in home and university. In farm-growth I can send SMS in case of extraordinary situation and farmer will come and check whats wrong, it can safe lot off money.


Sensors work with dht11, dht21, ds18b20 and analog sensors. Sensors can read temperature, humidity, lightness and other. There are tree advanteges of my sensors its price (close to the 5$, its device in box-case, ended device), no wires 315Mhz or 433Mhz radio channel, and full autonomous for more then 3 years on cr2032 batteries or close to 10 years on cr2450 batteries. Its can be real with low power microcontroller, that always in sleep-power mode, and every 1min wake up read sensor and sent data. On the picture isn’t final version of the board, now a am waiting for a program-tool for upload code to microcontroller and test system. Now I make board using laser printer, iron and ferric chloride for tests.

Aerospace Engineering : Matthew

A group of other engineering students and I are designing a drone project. We need PCB’s for the drone, remote control, battery charger, and other components. We hope to move this product into production, which would then require the need for PCB’s in the quantity of the thousands; and the need for assembly. Though this our main project, this is not our only one, and have need for many PCB’s in the months and years to come.

The project hopes to add lengthened flight time drones into the marketplace for cinematic and professional purposes. We hope to build a drone that can last in the air for near an hour at a time using a lifting assistant we have designed. We will be using standard electronics equipment, and require only standard manufacturing procedures. All boards will be using electronics based on the Arduino architecture.


Electrical Engineering : Sam

Automated ESD testing system

This board is for a photointerrupter that will give closed-loop positioning information to the automated system. It is mounted onto a mechanical slide allowing manual positioning adjustments.


Information Technology :  Lassi

My project is to create a device that splits audio signal in different frequency bands. Then the device displays the different bands with leds. The device has two 10 led bargraphs for each frequency band.

The core of the project is ATmega2560 microprocessor, which runs the program. The audio spectrum is divided in different frequency bands by using two MSGEQ7 chips, one for each channel (right and left). The MSGEQ7 divides the audio signal in 7 different frequency bands. These frequencies are then displayed for each channel with bargraph leds. There is 14 x 20 led array for displaying the frequencies (7 x 20 for each channel). The leds are controlled with Texas Instruments’ TLC5926 Constant-Current LED Sink driver and 2N2222 NPN transistors.


Electrical Engineering :Charles

I am in ECE306 and need to create a circuit to charge batteries for the class project. I will use LiPo batteries with a charge controller. Very basic circuit, I just need a pcb. This project is very basic. If you need the part list I have it but there are only 5 or 6 parts. Just a battery charger. I have many other projects as well, but at the moment this is the project that I will be working on right now.


Engineering : Barış

Our team made a electrical vehicle in 2012 since then we have 2 electrical vehicle, 2 solarpower vehicle and this cars need to BMS(Battery Management System). We have already do that but we are try to improve our bms quality so we decide to do new bms(Battery Management System). This product will improve processor speed, much more quality. This is a bms project for balancing cells in electrical cars. It is managing system with master-slave logic. Every slave and master have a MCU. We are using our own software. And we designed our card with our friends. BMS will use in our electrical car for TUBITAK Efficiency Challenge.


Electrical and Computer Engineering:  Miguel

My team and I are designing what is known as a Cubesat, a low cost, easy to deploy satellite that is made from off the shelf parts. Since satellites usually cost millions of dollars, Cubesat provides an entry point for students who are interested in the aerospace industry. We are collaborating with several universities on this as well to design all the required components for this system. My team has been tasked with developing the Command and Data Handling subsystem of the satellite, the piece that takes all the commands and processes the data for communication back to the ground station. We have completed our PCB design and are now looking to get it manufactured.

We have designed an 8x8 cm PCB with all the necessary components ready to be soldered on at a later time. Because of our modular design, the next generation of teams will be able to use our Command and Data Handling subsystem for their own Cubesats in the future. We plan on using a few resistors and capacitors for the system, mostly for the interfaces to smooth out the signals between the subsystems. The most important piece of our subsystem is the microprocessor. For our purposes, we have chosen a 32 bit ARM microprocessor, TI’s TM4C123GH6PMI, also known as the Tiva microprocessor. This processor is low power, high performance, and very cheap and easy to use. Future teams will benefit from using this microcontroller. We are also using multiple sensors, including a BNO055 IMU, which detects changes in spatial orientation as well as indirectly measure force on the object, as well as measure the external magnetic field and the current angular velocity. Another sensor that we will have onboard is the BMP280 from Bosch, which is an excellent pressure and temperature sensor. With these two sensors in mind, we plan to use them to keep track of where the TIVA is in real time, as well as its current orientation in space. Interfacing with the other teams is done using I2C protocols handled by the microcontroller. Lastly, the two teams that we are directly interfaced with are Communications, which has a small high power antenna (XBEE pro) that we are working with, and the Power Team, which uses an array of solar panels to power up our devices. We work with communications to define the data structure necessary for the successful transmission of data to the ground station, and we work with the power team to determine the power needs of the whole system, as well as sleep times, low power modes, and critical failure modes. Thus, all three teams are working in tandem to produce a working subsystem. Since the command and data handling is central to it all, our PCB design has many inputs for the other teams to take advantage of.

Electrical and Electronics engineering : JOSEPH

An ultra-sensitive shadow detector alarm. The shadow of a thief passing few meters nearby the circuit is enough to trigger the alarm.

amplifier circuit is wired as a sensitive comparator, whose set point is set by R13 &R14. The voltage divide by LDR and R12 is given at transistor Q1 base. At standby mode, these two voltages are set equal by adjusting R12. Now the output at transistor Q10 of the circuit will be high. Transistor Q21 will be off. The voltage at trigger pin of IC555 will be positive and there will be no alarm.

When there is a thief near the LDR the shadow causes its resistance to increase. Now the voltages at the inputs of the comparator will be different and the output of IC2 will be low. This makes Q21 ON. This makes a negative going pulse to trigger the IC555 which is wired as a monostable multivibrator.The output of IC555 will be amplified by Q22  to produce the alarm.

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May 16,2017
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