Micromouse contest

### DESCRIPTION ( Introduce yourserlf and your project)

My name is István. I am a third-year mechatronical engineer student. My team of three students participates in a Micromouse contest. We are all enthusiastic about designing and building eletronic and mechanical gadgets. The contest takes place in Budapest University of Technology and Economics in every year. This is the first time we try out our skills in this competition. The goal of this contest is to contruct a robot that can explore a previously unknown maze and in the later rounds find the fastest way to the goal without any human interaction. In this video you can see a similar contest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyebL2oHPBI

### TECHNICAL DETAILS (With project photos)


The PCB we designed is 45x55 (in mm) and we used only 2 layers. The PCB itself is the main mechanical part of our robot, because it will hold the 3D printed grey parts in the picture, which will position the motors. The components are as close as possible to each other to minimize the size of our robot, because we want to be able to pass through the diagonal parts of the maze in a straight path without to much turning.


In this picture you can see the main building blocks of our designed Micromouse. There are sensors for checking the distance from the walls, encoders to measure the traveled distance, gyroscope and accelerometer to ensure weather we go in the right direction and of course a Bluetooth module to make the debug process faster during the development.

### Words to PCBWay

Thank you very much for this opportunity to let us help to came our project alive.

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Apr 09,2018
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