Mushroom Farming Based on the Internet of Things

Hello there my name is Dhiya, currently I am study in Electrical Engineering at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. Now, I have research with topic implementation IOT on the mushroom farm

in the traditional system the mushroom farmer grow mushroom by placing mushroom seeds in rooms that have a certain level of humidity and temperature, according the type of mushrooms manually. Nowdays, we can make system automatically using IOT ( Internet of Things). The system consists of  2 board that is System Minimum Board and Relay Actuator Board. For more details we will explain on the below.

A.     System Minimum

System minimum is the main control board for our system, The System minimum  supply from dc 12V This board consist of

1.      Microcontroller

2.      Sensor BME280 (Temperature, Humidity, Pressure Sensor)

3.      Step Down Converter

4.      LCD Display 20x4

5.      GPRS Module

The microcontroller work as main control of the all system, that can control the sensors and the actuator, manage a data and etc. The GPRS Module work to send data from microcontroller to the server, so we can monitor the mushroom farm from far away. The LCD Display work to display the condition of sensor and actuator. The picture of our system minimum board show in the below

B.     Relay Board

The Relay board is Driver that can control  the actuator e.g (Fan, Water Jet Pump, and etc). The Relay Board consists of 6 relay channels, so we can control 6 channels actuator at the same time under different conditions. The Relay Board, the Relay Board consists 2 main component, that’s optocoupler that using for separate between dc voltage and ac voltage, furthermore it using for driver of Relay. The picture of our relay board show in the below

For the completion of our project we often require the fabrication of PCB , microcontrollers and other electronic board and we think PCBWay can be of a great help by aiding us in fullfilling our fabrication needs.

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