OSHWDem 2017 Badge

About OSWHDem


OSHWDem stands for Open Source Hardware Demonstration.

Organized by non-profit association BricoLabs annualy since 2012, is an open and free event for and by the maker/hacker community. 

Is celebrated in "Domus" museum  Coruña (Spain) in 2017 on November 11th. 

OSHW projects exhibition, robot contests (lineFollower, sumo, labyrinth, robot combat, hebocon...), workshops and talks take place throughout the event.


More info: Web, Twitter and Facebook

About OSHWDem 2017 Badge

Our comunnity friend Gustavo Reynaga designed a badge based on our mascot "Oshwi" the octopus.


The hardware design is already fully open source and avaliable on github.

The badge has an OTA flashable ESP-12 wireless module, ESP8644 based. Five RGB adressable LEDs as outputs and a button as inputs. 

It´s powered by a micro quadcopter type one cell LiPo with a picoblade connector on the back.

All ESP-12 module pins are broken out for connecting hardware and to be easily hackable.

Software to connect between badges is being developed.

Thanks a lot PCBWay!

We would love PCBWay to sponsor us and thus manufacture the most badges for the attending makers ^_^

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Aug 03,2017
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