PCB Pyramid

This is a rather interesting project which I thought to make a long time ago. Its basically a 3D sculpture using PCBs. Here I built a Pyramid. I also included some WS2812B LEDs and a ESP8266 to control them over wifi using Blynk IOT platform.

Construction :

we need 4 of this to create all four sides of a square pyramid. Each side of the pyramid consists of 10 WS2812B addressable RGB LEDs. I put an ESP-12f on the backside of RGB Pyramid PCB. Though I only need to do this on one PCB. As the other boards will be connected with this one in series. But why ESP -12f you might ask.

Controller :

Image result for esp8266

Well, there is no particular reason to use an Esp8266 for this project. Any microcontroller even an Attiny would work just fine, since I just need to display some patterns. But I use it so that I could connect it to WiFi and control is over the internet. The obvious choice comes to mind is the WS2812FX library. But I wanted to have more customization solution.

BLYNK Integration :

Image result for blynk

So I have used Blynk IOT Platform for this. So I make some changes in the code and include popular @blynk.iot platform on the project. Now this Pyramid can be controllable Over the Air. I'm still using the WS2812B library to drive the LEDs but also make some custom effects for it. In the app there's a zeRGBa colour picker to choose any static colour, Two sliders - One is for controlling the brightness of the LEDs and the another one is for changing the speed of the effects. And a button to change between different modes.

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