PCB board for external compensation of InfraRed (IR) camera

### DESCRIPTION ( Introduce yourserlf and your project)

My name is Alex Zviagintsev

I received the B.S. and M.Sc.degrees from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, where I'm currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. My current research interests include very large scale integration architectures, analog circuit design, MEMS, and IR sensors and detection.

### TECHNICAL DETAILS (With project photos)

The project deals with IR camera. the signal measurement should be done as a difference between the signal and the refference signal value that should remove the DC pomponent. the problem is that the DC componnent is not constant and changes during the measurement as a result of sensor selfheating.. For solving this problem it is common to use the blind sensor, but this requires sensor area duplication. We propose to make an external compensation implemented in PCB board and thus resolve the problem of DC signal slow flactuation. 

this is summarized in some following publications: 

A. Zviagintsev, I. Brouk, I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, "Voltage and Current Integrated Readout for Uncooled Passive IR sensors

based on CMOS-SOI-NEMS Technology", IEEE 28-th Conv. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. in Israel, Dec. 2014, Eilat, doi:


 A. Zviagintsev, I. Brouk, I. Bloom, and Y. Nemirovsky, “Self-heating effects in CMOS-SOI-NEMS transistors for uncooled

passive IR sensors,” IEEE COMCAS - Int. Conf. on Microwaves Comm. Antennas El. Syst., Tel Aviv, Israel, 1–5, Nov. 2015, doi:


 A. Zviagintsev, I. Brouk, I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, " CMOS-SOI-NEMS Uncooled Infrared Presence Sensor ", IEEE 28-th

Conv. of Electrical and Electronics Eng. in Israel, Nov. 2016, Eilat, doi: 10.1109/ICSEE.2016.7806034

 A. Zviagintsev, I. Brouk, T. Blank, I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, "Modeling the Performance of Nano Machined CMOS Transistors

for Uncooled IR Sensing", IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, vol 64(11), pp.4657-4663, Nov. 2017, doi: 10.1109/TED.2017.2751681.

 A. Zviagintsev, T. Blank, I. Brouk, S. Bar-Lev, S. Stolyarova, A. Svetlitza, I. Bloom, and Y. Nemirovsky, “Self-heating effects in

CMOS-SOI-NEMS transistors for uncooled passive IR sensors,” IEEE COMCAS - Int. Conf. on Microwaves Comm. Antennas El.

Syst., Tel Aviv, Israel, Nov. 2017.


### Words to PCBWay

We are planning to run this work more than once this year in order to chack various approaches during our research. We would like to receive discounts to help cover the cost of printing these boards.

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