Pro Shield v1.1

I wanted to create my own pcb and Arduino shield. I thought that I can do it. There are many sensors and modules on it like:

2 10K Resistor

1 1K Resistor

1 5V Buzzer

2 Red LED

1 Green LED

1 Blue LED

1 Yellow LED

1 1x10 Long Female Header

1 1x8 Long Female Header

1 1x6 Long Female Header

1 1x6 Male Header

1 1x3 Male Header

1 DHT11

1 1 Pushbutton

You can use this shield with 5V Arduino boards for easy linked sensors.

The pinout diagram:

LED1 to D12,

LED2 to D13,

LED3 to D10,

LED4 to D11,

LED-D3 to D3,

Buzzer to D9,

DHT11/22 to D2,

S1 to A4,

ANT to A5,

LDR to A0.

Boards can be used with: Arduino UNO, MEGA 2560, MEGA ADK, DUE, Leonardo, etc...

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