Hİ My name is onur inaltekin. I'm studying vocational high school.
I make smart house.
We will use LED, motion sensor, humidification and servo motors in this project.
Arduino Uno R3
Bluetooth Modülü(HC-o6)
Isı ve Nem Sensörü (DHT-11)
Hareket Algılama Sensörü (HC-SR501 ) X5
10 Adet Mini Servo Motor
7 Adet led
Our homes are now designed as smart homes.It provides us with convenience and security,for example;over the phone, turn off the water, cut the electricity, pull the curtains...Turn off the phone when you forgot to turn off the light.
How it is work?
Turns on or off devices such as lamps or televisions on the relay by energizing the relays in their outputs by processing the data coming via Bluetooth.
Where is it used? Home;children's room,kitchen,corridor...
Size of the relay card;20*20.
Size of the voltage distributor card;25*20
Thank you PCBWAY
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