The first Half-size Micromouse competition in Europe
In 2015 summer, we held the first Half-size Micromouse competition in Europe. The students of Budapest University of Technology and some other teams had to build small robots those can achieve the specified goal position in a huge maze (labyrinth). On this first year, only three robots could solve the problem.
Now, in 2017, we are starting the preparing procedure with more than 30 students, from more universities in Hungary. However, the application is open until the end of February, so more teams will participate.
Here you can find the application page and rules of this year’s competition (Hungarian language, please use google chrome translate to read):
And here, you can see a short video:
Community Introduction with related Community activity photos:
The teams have to design mechanics, hardware and embedded software during the construction procedure of the small robots. The robot’s hardware consists of a DSP, motor drivers, encoder interfaces, analogue IR sensors for sensing the walls, MEMS gyroscope IC for helping odometry and navigation.
In every year, the robots became smaller, lighter and faster. The pictures below show two robots designed and built by our students.
MOGImouse v1.1 - 2015
(Senior Team) Slackers
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