Three Phase SiC based VSI

### DESCRIPTION ( Introduce yourserlf and your project)

I am a 4th year electrical engineering student at Monash University. As part of our course, we are required to undertake a year long project in an area of interest. My teammate and I have chosen to design a three phase voltage source inverter for implementation into an electric vehicle. We have the hope of being able to implement our inverter design into our Monash Motorsport teams electric cars entered in many competitions. 

### TECHNICAL DETAILS (With project photos)

Our inverter is set aside from the competition in its use of the new Silicon Carbide MOSFET technology. We shall be using three high performance SiC based MOSFET half bridges provided by Semikron, alongside their respective gate drivers. At completion of the project, we hope to attain an efficiency of greater than 99%, surpassing currently available off the shelf solutions. Flexibility in the design shall allow for ease of future upgrades and reconfiguration to suit a multitude of vehicles. 

The inverter shall eventually drive an Emrax 228 MVCC motor, up to competition limits of 80kW. This shall be achieved at a DC voltage level of 500V. Control of the inverter will take place on a TI Delfino micro controller, allowing for future implementation of advanced control algorithms. 

We are currently about to begin assembly, and are looking forward to seeing some real performance numbers from our design! 

The following photos show some 3D models of the inverter. We shall update shortly with some real pictures! 

Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 12.35.11.jpg



### Words to PCBWay

It would be a pleasure to work together with PCBWay as our preferred supplier to make this project a reality. 

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Aug 08,2017
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