Trincabotz CEFET-MG


Seeking improvements in robotics, the teams have as a goal the encouragement of technological development among the students, allowing them to use the knowledge they obtain in class and preparing them for the job market.


With that goal in mind, TRINCABOTZ CEFET-MG was created to represent the Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, linked to the Center of Engineering Applied to Competitions (NEAC) of the institution. Internally, the team is segmented in three main areas: mechanical, electrical and management. The team was created in 2004 and since then participated in many competitions like: Winter Challenge, Ultimate Robot Combat, Robogames and others and could achieve numerous trophies in these competitions.


  • Achieve the first place in the national competitions


  • Promote technological advances in the engineering


  • Optimize the robots from the existing categories

and create robots for the categories not yet adopted;

  • Contribute to the personal and professional growth

of our members.


The purpose of the team is to provide the students of CEFET-MG a practical experience of the knowledge acquired in class trought robotics, in addition to providing personal and professional growth. We seek visibility for the team itself and for the education institution in wich we study.


The team participates in many types of competitions, regional, national and international wise. These events gather mainly students, but do not exclude robotics fans that enjoy technological innovation. In these competitions, there are some categories that subdivide the awards and the disputes:


  • AntWeight (1 Lbs)
  • BeetleWeight (3 Lbs)
  • HobbyWeight (12 Lbs)
  • FeatherWeight (30 Lbs)
  • LightWeight (60 Lbs)


  • Sumo Lego (2,2 Lbs)
  • Mini Sumo (1,1 Lbs)
  • Autonomous (6.6 Lbs)
  • Radio Controlled (6.6 Lbs)





The team takes as a commitment the participation in social initiatives and the interaction with the community. These actions are, overall, in organizing events in schools to show robots, with the goal to stimulate young students to join the technology field.


Besides that, TRINCABOTZ CEFET-MG participates in forums and technological fairs, aiming the dialogue and knowledge exchange among students and professionals of robotics and engineering. These events have as goal the dissemination of tactics and creativity, allowing the knowledge to be applied in industrial environment. In these events, there are lots of people that have interest in technology and can be a great way to promote our sponsors and their services.


  • New Poseidon

The New Poseidon is a power electronics speed controller designed by Trincabotz to supply the needs for a powerful and reliable solution to drive the brushed motors of the team's lightweight category (60lbs) robot, called Asterion. This controller is capable of recieving electronic PPM signals from the robot radio reciever, interpretating and converting those to control the robot's 26V DC motors bi-directionally.Beeing the biggest problems in a combat robot space and weight, the controller is comparatively small for its power rating. Having dimensions of 75×42mm and a power electronics section composed of 4 Type-N MOSFETs capable of handling up to 360A, that's because the resistance rating for the MOSFET is very low.Besides that, the controller also is equipped with TVS Diodes and a Snubber circuit for overvoltage and voltage peaks protection. The MOSFETs are controlled by two half-bridge drivers and a microcontroller that is responsible to the logic behind the

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