pH/Orp Card I2C

### DESCRIPTION ( Introduce yourserlf and your project)

This project is part of a larger project that manages the management of a swimming pool.

the card in question is used for the detection of pH and of the redox potential of water.

### TECHNICAL DETAILS (With project photos)

the circuit can be divided into three parts:

pH-ORP Card.png

the first part consisting of three operational amplifiers that constitute the true detection is proper to the voltage generated by the probe, amplified and leveled within values of 0-5volt.

the second consists of an ADC converter that provides the 16-bit conversion of the detected voltage and sends the data on an I2c bus.

the third is constituted by an I2c isolator in order to avoid interferences between readings two probes immersed in the same electrolyte.

I must say that the circuit is not all of my bag but it has been adapted to my needs. the public as I assume that the contest judges the realization of the pcb.

pH-ORP-Card pcb.png

### Words to PCBWay

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Dec 21,2017
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