Electrical and electronic components can be connected to each other in several ways. When temporary or semi-permanent electrical connections are needed, electrical plugs, ring terminals, spade terminals and quick-disconnect splice joints are commonly used. However, when a permanent connection must be made (such as an electronic component to a printed circuit board), soldering is the preferred method for small electrical connections.
1 Put on the wrist strap. Turn on the soldering iron and allow it to heat up for at least one minute. Melt a small piece of solder on the soldering iron tip and wipe the tip on the wet sponge. Insert the electrical component into the circuit board, ensuring that the body of the electrical component is at least 1/8 inch from the circuit board and that the electrical leads (wires) are through the circuit board holes.
2 Unroll approximately 4 inches of solder from the solder spool. Place the tip of the soldering iron on the first electrical joint for a few seconds. Remove the soldering iron tip, and quickly place the tip of the solder metal on the joint. A small section of solder will melt, forming the electrical joint.
3 Place the tip of the soldering iron on the soldered metal joint and gently pull the solder spool away--this will separate the solder spool from the newly soldered joint. Spread the solder evenly around the joint with the soldering iron tip so that the solder metal is flat and shiny rather than dull and clumpy. Snip the excess wire from the back of the circuit board. Wipe the soldering iron tip on the surface of the wet sponge to clean off excess solder and rosin residue.
4 Repeat Steps 2 and 3 as necessary.