Printed circuit board breakouts and contours are normally milled. Please observe the following rules:
■Milling with a diameter of 2.0mm or 2.4mm is at no extra cost (the price for the milling distance is unaffected).
■The inner and outer contours of the circuit board should be indicated with a line width of 1µm! This prevents problems in dimensioning and measurement.
■Please avoid milling copper (durability of the circuit board, risk of injury)
Milling parameters
Sample milling diagram
Outer corners of contours may be 90°, or rounded to your specifications. The inner corners of contours have at least the radius of the milling tool.
Milled-out portion for exactly rectangular parts
To hold exactly rectangular parts, the corresponding milled-out portion should also be drilled at the corners; this permits (for example) a precise framing for seven-segment display units.
Z-axis milling (level milling)
A variable level elevation can be milled at the edge or within a circuit board. This is called Z-axis milling.