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Printed Circuit Board Art

by: Apr 28,2014 9836 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

Circuit Board Art Printed Circuit Board

circuit board Box. Theo Kamecke started collecting vintage circuit boards in the 1980s. Old circuit boards were often handmade, and therefore unique and interesting.

Inside of a circuit board box by Theo Kamecke. Kamecke uses the traditional techniques of marquetry. Though the material itself is the essence of hi-tech, the created works deliberately make no reference to that, hinting instead at ancient or familiar cultural designs.

River by Theo Kamecke. Three panels, 12 feet wide. The artist states: "While the overall design may be mine, the design of the material itself was never made for eyes to see -- it was only for function, covered with components and buried within some machine."

Circuitry wall piece with Persian influence, 'evoking the ancient with materials collected from the fossil bed of technology.

Circuitry sculpture, evoking the ancient with materials collected from the fossil bed of technology. "Besides the inherent beauty he found in circuitry's design, Kamecke saw that the aesthetic qualities of the circuitry graphics could, like hieroglyphs, be resolved into an inscrutable language." By Theo Kamecke.

Circuitry sculpture,detail of Frog, by Theo Kamecke. The sculptures of this series have been created from actual electronic circuitry (metal laminated to permanently dyed epoxy-fiberglass) applied in traditional marquetry technique to hardwood forms. In person, they have the appearance of metal over polished black stone.

This seven foot-tall Egg was made using recycled circuit boards, created by Brazilian artists Adriana Varella and Nilton Maltz. Installed at Lytton Plaza in Palo Alto, California.

Binary Chair

The surface of the chair is completely covered with a collage of motherboards, computer chips, lcd screens and hard drive disks held in place by sheet metal screws. The chair also has an interactive quality as the hard drive disks can be spun, the telephone keys and other buttons can be pressed, and the antennae raised and adjusted.

Binary Low Table

Inspired by pallets of obsolete computers and electronics that were collecting dust in a local warehouse. The table structure is made from the metal from computer towers that are riveted together and bent to the proper form. The surface is completely covered with a collage of motherboards, computer chips, led screens and hard drive disks held in place by sheet metal screws. The glass from the table was salvaged from an abandoned warehouse.

Circuit Board Table by D. Maloney.

Rearing Horse by Gabriel Dishaw.
Adding machines, typewriters parts, metal, wire and computer components.
Stands over 6 feet tall.

Technological mandala 02 (The beginning), close-up.
June, 2012. Electronic components, microchips, wood frame, 120x120 cm.

Technological mandala 02 (The beginning)
June, 2012. Electronic components, microchips, wood frame, 120x120 cm.

Tribute to Steve Jobs, made from the parts of a MacBook Pro.

Circuit board Mona Lisa in the lobby of ASUS headquarters in Peitou, Taiwan.

Circuit board Mona Lisa in the lobby of ASUS headquarters, Taiwan. Close-up. Alex Watson.

Circuit Board World, 2011.
By Susan Stockwell

Circuit Board Subway map, also a Radio by Yuri Suzuki.
The London Tube map as an annotated electrical circuit. Iconic landmarks on Suzuki’s map are represented by components relating to their functions, including a speaker where Speaker’s Corner sits and a battery representing a Power Station. "I wanted to make the components visible because “it is difficult for consumers to understand the complexity of the workings behind the exterior” of today’s electronic devices. By creating a “narrative to explain how electronics work,” he hopes users will be encouraged to fix their own broken devices."

Circuit Board Shoes
Gabriel Dishaw of Upcycled Creations.

Circuit board lizard by Brenda Guyton.

Computer parts clock by Wendy Birchmire.

Circuit Board Sculpture, City Scape II,
by Grace Grothous.

Circuit Board Sculpture, City Scape II,
by Grace Grothous.

Computer Junk Art
By Gabriel Dishaw.

Circuit Board Torso by
Gabriel Dishaw of Upcycled Creations.

Circuit board earrings by emiko-o reware.

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