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The Manufacturing Process Of Radio PCB

by: Dec 18,2013 2321 Views 0 Comments Posted in Engineering Technical

blank pcb printed circuit board radio pcb

label: radio pcb,printed circuit board,blank pcb

There is no single process for manufacturing a radio pcb. The manufacturing process depends upon the design and complexity of the radio pcb.

The Manufacturing Process Of Radio PCB

The simplest radio has a single pcb board housed in a plastic case. The most complex radio has many circuit boards or modules housed in aluminum case. Manufacturers purchase the basic components such as resistors pcb, capacitors, transistors, integrated circuits, etc., from vendors and suppliers. The printed circuit boards, usually proprietary, may be manufactured in house. Many times, manufacturers will purchase complete radio modules from an vendor. Most of the manufacturing operations are performed by robots. These include the printed circuit boards and mounting of the components on the printed circuit board. Mounting of the printed circuit board and controls into the case and some soldering operations are usually done by hand.

1.The blank pcb consists of a glass epoxy resin with a thin copper film cemented to one or both sides. A light sensitive photoresist film is placed over the copper film. A mask containing the electrical circuitry is placed over the photoresist film. The photoresist film is exposed to ultraviolet light. pcb The photoresist image is developed, transferring the image to the copper film. The unexposed areas dissolve during etching and produce a printed circuit on the pcb board.

2.Holes are drilled in designated locations on the printed circuit board to accept the components. Then, the board is pre-soldered by dipping it in a bath of hot solder.
3.Smaller electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, integrated circuits pcb, and coils are installed in their designated holes on the printed circuit board and soldered to the pcb board. These operations can be performed by hand or by robots.

4.Larger components such as power transformer, speaker, and antenna are mounted either on the pcb or cabinet with screws or metal spring tabs.

5.The case that houses the radio can be made either of plastic or aluminum. Plastic cases are made from pellets that are melted and injected into a mold. pcb Aluminum cases are stamped into shape from sheet aluminum by a metal press pcb.

6.External components not mounted on the pcb can be the antenna, speaker, power transformer, volume, and frequency controls are mounted in the case with either screws, rivets, or plastic snaps. The pcb is then mounted in the case with screws or snaps. The external components are connected and soldered to the pcb with insulated wires made of copper and plastic insulation.

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