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Hack Summer With Your Kids to Win Arduino

by: Jul 26,2019 6326 Views 4 Comments Posted in News

solder kit STEAM summer holiday


Hello PCBWayers,

Summer is coming with its blazing sun and leisurely holiday. How do you spend the summer holiday with your kids? Go to the beach? Have fun at Disneyland? Or just stay at home to take a break?

Here, we prepare an interesting activity: 

Hack Summer With Your Kids

First, get soldering kits

Some kits, like Flashlight and ArduinoFlake are in the PCBWayer Bazaar, you can get them just by adding them into your order package. Or you can design a kit on your own. No idea what to design? We have collected many amusing badges which are exactly designed for kids to inspire their passion for the technology. 10 brilliant kits out of them, check here

Second, soldering together with your kids and share this awesome moment via social media

Instagram, FaceBook and Twitter. Add hashtag #HACKSUMMER and @PCBWay

Thrid, we will choose 3 winners by September 1st

Prize is Arduino UNO Rev3. Choose one winner in each social media platform.(According to the likes, comments and shares)

We sincerely hope that all PCBWayers can spend an unforgettable summer holiday this year. PCBWay is always with you. 

PCBWay Team.

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