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Report Recommendation: IPC's Forecast for N.A. PCB Industry

by: Apr 18,2014 1983 Views 0 Comments Posted in News

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2012-2013 Analysis & Forecast for the PCB Industry in North America
Published by IPC, July, 2013
IPC Member Price: $450.00
Standard Price: $600.00

Why are we guessing?

How many times have taken part in a discussion about our business and started guessing about the size of the market, how much business is left in North America, or what the size of the flex market is? I know that it happens to me all the time. I have to ask, “Why are we guessing?”

Why are we guessing when we have all of this information at our fingertips? A document is available right now that can answer such questions and more--much, much more.

2012-2013 Analysis & Forecast for the PCB Industry in North America has answers to questions like:

•What are the U.S. exports and imports of flexible circuits?
•What is the volume of rigid boards built in this country?
•What is the year-to-year growth of PCBs globally?
•What is the market mix of PCBs globally?
•How much growth can we expect to see in the next five years? Year to year?
•What is the breakdown in of type of production between high volume, quick turn, and prototypes?
•What are the trends in rigid PCB layer count?
•What is the market for HDI microvia boards?
You can find the answers to these questions by contacting IPC for a copy of their new edition of the 2012-2013 Analysis and Forecast for the PCB Industry in North America.

This report was meticulously researched by IPC using information from a number of sources including PCB companies representing 44% of the North American PCB market. It has been extensively documented using data from IPC’s monthly PCB Statistical Program and from the annual survey of the North American PCB Industry conducted in the spring of 2013.

This document has everything you need to develop your own corporate sales and marketing plan. Whether you are a board fabricator developing your future strategic direction, or a vendor to the circuit board industry trying to assess how to better serve your customers in the future, or someone who is looking to invest in our industry, this is a “must have” report for your decision-making process.

For those of you dealing with various financial institutions, this document is nothing less than your bible. This report has the facts bankers and investors need to make a decision about where to invest their dollars. If you're trying to finance a capitalization plan, or adding another company, you're going to need the data so well documented in this report.

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