Flame retardent laminate made from woven glass fibre material impregnated with epoxy resin.


Forced-air Convection

Convection, consisting of flow, rate, velocity and temperature, as heat transfer of fluid or gas over solder joints to be re-flowed.

Forced-air Convection


(See also Land Pattern).A set of properly sized and placed pads of a PCB on which a surface mounted component can be placed and soldered. Alternatively, the footprint is the board area occupied by a s...



A thin sheet of metal, usually copper, used as the conductor for printed circuits.


Flux-cored Solder

A wire of solder that contains one or more continuous flux-filled cavities along its length.

Flux-cored Solder

Flux, Activated Rosin Flux

A mixture of rosin and small amounts of organic-halide or organic-acid activator, which improves the ability of a flux to remove surface oxides from the surfaces being joined.

Flux Activated Rosin Flux

Flux Residue

A flux-related contaminant that is present on or near the surface after soldering and, if possible, should be washed away.

Flux Residue


A substance used to promote or facilitate fusion, such as a material used to remove oxides from surfaces to be joined by soldering welding.


Flush Conductor

A conductor whose outer surface is in the same plane as the surface of the insulating material adjacent to the conductor.

Flush Conductor


An organic compound having fluorine atoms in its structure to lend chemical and thermal stability to plastics.


Flow Soldering

Also called wave soldering. A method of soldering printed circuit boards by moving them over a flowing wave of molten solder in a solder bath.

Flow Soldering

Flood Bar

A device on a screen printer that drags solder paste back to the starting point after the squeegee has made a stroke. The return is for set-up of the next stroke as it does no printing on the backstro...

Flood Bar

Flexure Failure

A conductor failure due to repeated flexing which is indicated by an increase of resistance to a specified value for a specified time.

Flexure Failure

Flexible Printed Wiring

A random arrangement of printed wiring utilizing flexible base material with or without flexible cover layers.

Flexible Printed Wiring

Flat Cable

 A cable with two or more parallel, round or flat, conductors in the same plane encapsulated by an insulating material.

Flat Cable


A device that enables interfacing a printed circuit board with a spring-contact probe test pattern.


First Pass Yield

The per centage of finished assemblies to pass all tests without re-work.

First Pass Yield


A gold-plated terminal of a card-edge connector.


Fine Pitch


Fine Pitch

Fine Line Design

 Printed circuit design permitting two, and nowadays even three, traces between adjacent dip Pins. It entails the use of photo-imageable solder mask (PISM).

Fine Line Design

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