Laminate Presses

Multi-layer equipment that applies both pressure and heat to laminate and prepreg to make multi-layer boards.

Laminate Presses

Laminate Void

Absence of laminate material in an area which normally contains laminate material.

Laminate Void

Laminate Thickness

Thickness of the metal clad base material, single- or double-sided, prior to any subsequent processing.

Laminate Thickness


A product made by bonding together two or more layers of material.



A slot used to assure the correct location in a mating connector.


Keying Slot or Polarizing Slot

A slot in a printed circuit board that polarizes it, thereby permitting it to be plugged into its mating receptacle with pins properly aligned, but preventing it from being reversed or plugged into an...

Keying Slot or Polarizing Slot


A device designed to assure that the coupling of two components can occur in only one position.



Du Pont trade name for polyimide film.



Minimization of inventory by supplying material and components to the production line directly before placement into the product.



An electrical connection between two points on a printed board added after the intended conductive pattern is formed.



The preferred surface mount lead form used on PLCCs, so named because the lead departs the package body near its Z-axis centre-line, is formed down the rolled under the package. Leads so formed are sh...



The clearance around a pad, track, zone or via that defines the nearest approach allowed by conductors of another signal set.



The Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits, an American organization.


Interstitial Via Hole

A plated through-hole connecting two or more conductor layers of a multilayer printed board but not extending fully through all the layers of base material comprising the board.

Interstitial Via Hole

Internal Layer

A conductive pattern which is contained entirely within a multi-layer printed board.

Internal Layer

Inter-layer Connection

An electrical connection between conductive patterns in different layers of a multi-layer printed board. (See also Through Connection.)

Inter-layer Connection

Inter-facial Connection

See Through Connection.

Inter-facial Connection

Insulation Resistance

The electrical resistance of the insulating material (determined under specified conditions) between any pair of contacts, conductors, or grounding device in various combinations. The electrical...

Insulation Resistance

Inspection Overlay

A positive or negative transparency made from the production master and used as an inspection aid.

Inspection Overlay

Inspection Lot

A collection of units of products bearing identification and treated as a unique entity from,which a sample is to be drawn and inspected to determine conformance with the acceptability criteria. ...

Inspection Lot

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Ranking Name Answers
1 _ Floppy Lab 4
2 PCBWay Team 3
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