
[PCB Prototype] hacer placa

hola quisiera hacer un proyecto con el TDA2822 pero lo tengo en esquema no se hacer el circuito como ustedes lo piden que debo de hacer gracias

[Others] it is about the kind of the PCBs

what is the difference between the working board and blank board?

[PCB Prototype] Заказ потерян

Заказ потерялся и что теперь делать

[PCB Prototype] shopping sahopping

hi.I am writing from turkey.at 15.12.2018,I did a $ 8 shopping from the aliexpress pcbway site.but my balance was not unloaded.I'd like you to take care of it.

[PCB Prototype] Patch antenna with mashroom EBG manufacture

We have already designed a patch antenna with mashroom EBG on it working at 10 GHz. Is has the following properties:Permittivity = 2.5 Substrate:Roger Ultralam 2000(losy), loss tangent...

[PCB Prototype] is it possible to order this one, and what is the prize?


[PCB Prototype] shipping cost

Hi, My name is Laszlo from Hungary. I am interested this PCB: https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/mini_4S_DIY_PowerBoard.html My question is, how much the delivery cost and the ...

[PCB Prototype] Can I reupload gerber files to my shared project?

Hi, my shared project https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Arduinoflake_PCB.htmlhas an error in its gerber files, can I somehow reupload the gerber files to fix this problem?Thanks you.

[Others] Question about the front panel Synthesizer UA7KJ ArduinoMega2560 Si5351 TFT3.2 mod R2AJI v1.1

Hello!I would like to ask if I can order the board from the link below with the size of 220x125 mm.https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Synthesizer_UA7KJ_Mega2560_Si5351_TFT3_2__mod_R2AJI_v1_1....
Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 10
2 Marcell Feher 2
3 Engineer 1
4 Brandon Weatherly 1
5 Rayan Bayan 1