Hi guys,I need a raspberry pi 3 project but customized without USBs in a smaller PCB as possible. Do you do PCB design or only manufacture it ?Cheers,Bruno
electronics design than PCBWhat I am looking for is a led chaser circuit (i to 9 leds) with a pot to reulate the speed of the leds going only one direction,in.combination with a external s...
Hello guys, i was wondering if there was anywhere i can get a board like this? i've been looking for it for some time now.https://www.pcbway.com/project/share/5K3K_display_Driver_PCB.html
Good afternoon. I can't complete the Share&Sell.I uploaded a photo, added categories and description, allowed uploading Gerber files.And I click on "Start Sharing", but I don't g...
This is my first time making a PCB -- I have the Gerber files ready to go (I used KiCad) software. This is a prototype board. What are the steps I need to take to make 10 boards to get started. I want...