ESP32 IoT Starter Kit
Learn Basic IoT use ESP32 boards is very easy with ESP32 IoT Starter Kit board and following the 110+ tutorial on
Part List:
1 x PCB ESP32 IoT Starter Kit (PCBWay)
1 x ESP32 DEVKIT V1 board
1 x Micro SD adapter module
1 x OLED I2C 128x64
1 x Humidity and Temperature sensor DHT11/DHT22
1 x Temperature sensor DS18B12
1 x Motion sensor PIR AM312
1 x Environmental sensor BME280/BMP280
1 x 3 axis Acc. and Gyro sensor MPU6050
1 x LDR (Photoresistor)
4 x LED 5mm
1 x RGB LED 5mm common cathode
1 x LED 3mm
1 x Active BUzzer
2 x Tact Switch 6x6mm
1 x Potentiometer 10K Ohm
1 x Relay 5V DC
1 x NPN Transistor BC547
1 x Diode 1N4148
8 x Resistor 330 Ohm
4 x Resistor 10K Ohm
1 x Resistor 1K Ohm
2 x Resistor 4,7K Ohm
1 x Capacitor 100uF/16V
1 x Terminal Screw 2 pin 5mm
2 x Female Header 15 pin
2 x Male Header 15 pin
1 x Male Header 7pin, 5pin, 4pin, 3pin & 2pin
1 x Double Male Header 4 pin & 2 pin
10 x Jumper cap
ESP32 IoT Starter Kit
*PCBWay community is a sharing platform. We are not responsible for any design issues and parameter issues (board thickness, surface finish, etc.) you choose.
- Comments(1)
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- ayhani Nov 23,2024
- Zarab Dhulla Apr 08,2024
- Yuriy Kachmaryk Nov 11,2023
- Engineer Jul 17,2023
- Jakub Jakub May 21,2023
- achmadzp Oct 23,2022
- cesardi Apr 10,2022
- liankuan Nov 21,2021
- Engineer Nov 02,2021
- dvorson May 21,2021
- Engineer May 09,2021
- Riza?Muhida May 04,2021
- Rui Santos Apr 11,2021
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