Oct 04,2023
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  • FYI, I had two issues with this board. 1) The size of the board was slightly larger than the STL files, I had to enlarge the case, lid and tray both length and width for this to fit. 2) The board has the switch reversed from how the case STL file indicates and how the standard Hyperion cases are laid out, meaning when I turn the switch to the off position, the board turns on. 3) There is no bridge between the GND and the AOD pins on the BNO085 board as is indicated in the schematics from SlimeVR. This causes the BNO085 to not function and firmware flashing fails. After bridging those pins I see that it is 100% functional for me. I will also concur with the other statement about the alignment of pins for the TP4056. Looking forward to a revision because this board is slick and makes the whole case much nice to use!

    Fiddle Styx 2024-05-14 09:59:26Reply

    Can't wait to see a revision in the future! I really like these boards :) If you could, do you think you could post the dimensions you made your cases? Once again, super excited for a revision! These boards are awesome to work with, keep up the good work!!

    Engineer 2024-05-14 10:38:17Reply

    Hit me up on discord and I'll give you mu stl files audiophoenix

    Xedd 148 2024-05-20 02:53:32Reply

    I started to modify the (already modified) Hyperion case, but have had some difficulty. Would you mind sharing the stl again?

  • There's a small issue in the layout of this board that would make a revision 2 a good idea, though I haven't gotten to it yet: you'll find that when soldering the battery charger (TP4056) there's a misalignment on the back through-holes. It's still functional and can fit in cases, but you have to bend your through-hole connector slightly to get it flush. More of an annoyance.

  • I'm currently tracking down a bug in this revision 1 of the design, where it seems like the battery isn't charging properly. I don't recommend this design until I figure out what's going on

    Engineer 2023-12-29 19:34:25Reply

    As soon as you have solved the problem you could let us know, thanks a lot

    Engineer 2023-12-31 05:38:33Reply

    Sorry for the delay in updating this. I did testing with more batteries and chargers and there's no bug in the charging circuit. Charging should work fine

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