Solder Mask Over Bare Copper.



Resin, smeared over the edge of an internal copper layer of a multi-layer board during drilling, which prevents the layer from making electrical contact with the barrel of the hole.



Surface Mounted Device. Any component or hardware element designed to be mounted to a printed circuit board (PCB) without penetrating the board.



A spreading of the solder paste after printing but before re-flow soldering. If excessive, a loss of definition may result.


Single-image Production Master

A production master used in the process of making a single printed board.

Single-image Production Master

Shingle-sided Board

A printed board with a conductive pattern on one side only.

Shingle-sided Board


The process of creating a virtual representation(a computer model)of an electronic component, circuit board, or system and applying virtual test signals to the model to verify its functionality and po...



Often used for legend print and means the printed reference designators on a printed wiring boards.



An electrical impulse of a pre-determined voltage, current, polarity and pulse width.


Signal Plane

A conductor layer intended to carry signals, rather than serve as a ground or other fixed voltage function.

Signal Plane

Signal Conductor

An individual conductor used to transmit an impressed signal.

Signal Conductor


Short-circuit, An abnormal connection of relatively low resistance between two points of a circuit or conductors from different nets either touch or some closer than the minimum spacing allowed for th...


Shielding, Electronic

A physical barrier, usually electrically conductive, designed to reduce the interaction of electric or magnetic fields upon devices, circuits or portions of circuits.

Shielding Electronic


A condition occurring during etching in which the dielectric material, in intimate contact with the foil, is incompletely removed though acceptable etching may have been achieved elsewhere. In re-flow...



See Activating.


Semi-aqueous Cleaning

A technique involving the use of a solvent followed by hot-water rinses and drying.

Semi-aqueous Cleaning

Semi-additive process

A process for obtaining conductive patterns by a combination of electroless metal deposition with etching and/or electroplating. A semi-additive process is used in conjunction with a metal clad base m...

Semi-additive process


A network of metal or fabric standards mounted tautly on a frame and upon which the PCB’s circuit pattern is superimposed by photographic means.


Screen Printing

A process for transferring an image to a surface by forcing suitable media through a stencil screen with a squeegee. Also called silk screening.

Screen Printing

Schematic Diagram

A drawing that shows, by means of graphic symbols, the electrical connections, components and functions of a specific electronic circuit arrangement.

Schematic Diagram

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