
A pin, lead or even junction which will have at least one wire connected to it.



Non-functional pad.



An alkaline chemical added to water to improve its ability to dissolve flux residues.



A net is a junction of component nodes. A netlist is a collection of nets that define all the connections in a circuit. It is obtained automatically from a schematic capture program.


Negative–acting Resist

A resist which is polymerized (hardened) by light and which, after exposure and development remains on the surface of a laminate in those areas which were under the transparent parts of a production ,...

Negative–acting Resist

Negative (Noun)

An artwork, artwork master, or production master in which the intended conductive pattern is transparent to light, and the areas to be free from conductive material are opaque.

Negative (Noun)

Nail Heading

The flared condition of copper on the inner conductor layers of a multi-layer board usually caused by hole drilling.

Nail Heading

Multiple-image Production Master

A production master used in the process of making two or more printed boars simultaneously.

Multiple-image Production Master


A portable test instrument which can be used to measure voltage, current and resistance.


Multi-layer PCB

Printed circuit boards consisting of three or more conducting circuit planes separated by insulating material and boned together with internal and external connections of the circuitry as required.

Multi-layer PCB


An enclosure that is located between the heating elements and the parts being processed that contains the atmosphere required for the re-flow soldering process.


Mounting Hole

A hole used for the mechanical mounting of a printed board or for the mechanical attachment of components to the printed board .  

Mounting Hole

Mother Board

Also called back plane, or matrix board. A relatively large printed circuit board on which modules, connectors, sub-assemblies or other printed circuit boards are mounted and inter connections made by...

Mother Board


A separable unit in a packaging scheme displaying regularity of dimensions.



A chemically inert substance added to a resin to change its properties.


Mixed Component-Mounting Technology

A component mounting technology that uses both through-hole and surface-mounting technologies on the same packaging and interconnecting structure.

Mixed Component-Mounting Technology


The lack of dimensional conformity between successively produced features or terns.


Minor Defect

A defect which is not likely to reduce the usability of the unit for its intended purpose, It may be a departure from established standard having no significant bearing on the effective use or operati...

Minor Defect

Minimum Electrical Spacing

The minimum allowable distance between adjacent conductors that is sufficient to prevent dielectric breakdown, between the conductors at any given voltage.

Minimum Electrical Spacing


One thousandth (0.001) of an inch. Not to be confused with Mil (short for millimetre).1Inch=25.4mm; 1mil=0.0254mm.


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