
A type of transmission line configuration which consists of a conductor over a parallel ground plane, and separated by a dielectric.



 A destructive test procedure in which a section of specimen it cut and removed for close examination.



A deposited or plated thin metallic film used for its protective or electrical properties.


Metal Clad Base Material

Base material covered with metal on one or both of its sides.

Metal Clad Base Material


The contour or shape of molten solder as formed by surface tension forces in turn controlled by wetting.


Melting Range

The temperature range over which the solder alloy melts .An alloy with a single melting point, rather than a melting range, is known as a eutectic alloy .

Melting Range


A metal electrode leadless face surface mount component that is round with metallic cap terminations.



A condition existing in the base laminate in the form of discrete white sports or crosses below the surface of the base laminate, reflecting a separation of fibres in the glass cloth at the weave inte...


Mean Time between Failure (MTBF)

The statistical mean average time interval, usually in hours, that may be expected between failures of an operating unit. Results should be designated actual. Predicted or calculated.

Mean Time between Failure (MTBF)


Moulded Carrier Ring. A tape of fine-pitch chip package named for the method of supporting and protecting the leads. The leads are left straight; the ends of the leads are embedded in a strip of plast...


Maximum, Plated Through-hole Size

A hole size equal to the specified hole size before plating, plus the manufacturing tolerance, less twice the minimum plating thickness.

Maximum Plated Through-hole Size

Master Pattern

An accurately scaled pattern which is used to produce the printed circuit within the accuracy specified on the master drawing.

Master Pattern

Master Drawing

A document that shows the dimensional limits or grid locations applicable to any or all parts of a printed board(rigid or flexible),including the arrangement of conductive and non-conductive patterns ...

Master Drawing

Master Artwork

A document showing dimensional limits and grid locations for all parts of  an assembly to be fabricated. It includes the arrangement of conductors and non-conductive patterns and the size, t...

Master Artwork

Mass Soldering

Methods of soldering in which many joints are made in the same operation.

Mass Soldering


A material applied to enable selective etching, plating or the application of solder to a printed circuit board.



The distance between the reference edge of a flat cable and the nearest edge of the first conductor.(See also Edge Spacing)


MAR(Minimum Annular Ring)

The minimum metal width, at the narrowest point between the circumference of the hole and the outer circumference of the land. This measurement is made to the drilled hole on internal layers of multi-...

MAR(Minimum Annular Ring)

Manhattan Distance

The orthogonal distance between two points.

Manhattan Distance

Major Defect

 A defect that could result in failure or significantly reduce the usability of the part for its intended purpose.

Major Defect

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1 _ Floppy Lab 4
2 PCBWay Team 3
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