
[PCB Prototype] Hy i whant to buy 5 pcb with all components without assembly

Hy i whant to buy 5 pcb with all components without assembly link:https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Ultra_precise_milliOhm_meter_dd9e2c94.htmlprice for all without assembley? THX

[PCB Prototype] Schematic picture on the solder mask

I would like to place an image of an op amp and trace that does not necessarily match the official trace of the board, for an op amp circuit. Attached is an image of what I am speaking of, showing th...

[PCB Prototype] Fake battery board to replace tablet battery.

This person made a fake battery board to go in a tablet and replace the battery He sells it here:https://decentespresso.com/parts?filter=DE-CBLMOLEXTAB_R1-73247Do you have any thing like this can buy ...

[PCB Prototype] PCB made with unfilled via versus PCB made with filled via.

If PCB has unfilled vias, what are the risk to the product vs PCB with filled vias. Why some PCB drawing calls for filled via while others not specific. Does the filled vias must for high-speed board ...

[PCB Prototype] looking for microphone circuit

looking for microphone circuit

[PCB Prototype] Hej hej hej

Czy mo?na prosi? o pliki gerb do projektu testera lamp oraz do p?ytki z podstawkami?

[PCB Prototype] WRONG ORDER THIS IS FOR PCBWay-support.

I did order ”NovaSM3 v 5.2c ( updated2021-10-21) and i did receive "NovaSM3 v 5.2b, that i already have. (Previouce order)THIS IS A WRONG ORDER , WHAT NOW PLEASE ?

[PCB Prototype] How do I specify slots and holes in the aluminum layer of an aluminum pcb?

i’d like to have an aluminum pcb made that has slots and holes in the aluminum for mounting bolts, and through hole components. Can this be done and if so how do i specify it?

[PCB Prototype] @Teslaundmehr I need a EMP Pulse Generator Jammer. Can you build and ship one??

@Teslaundmehr I need a EMP Pulse Generator Jammer. Can you build and ship one??--Anthony Costaanthony_costa@me.com

[PCB Prototype] Can Someone help me in creating a home automation project. I want to control 4 appliances from App+Remore+Manual Switch. Power Source is 220V.

Can Someone help me in creating a home automation project.I want to control 4 appliances from App+Remore+Manual Switch. Power Source is 220V.
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Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 9
2 weslley ramos 1
3 Epishko Dmitry 1