If I buy a PCB that someone has posted, what do I need to check on the order to make sure it comes as complete as possible? Basically, does it come with resistors and such
I'm working on a camera module project based on the ESP32-CAM. While I have experience in mechanical and electrical engineering, I'm not very strong in coding. I'm unsure if there is any open-source c...
We are an IoT company in Kazakhstan. We are very intersted in OpenEEW Node. However, our keen interest is board to have cellular connectivity instead of Ethernet. Could you create this?
My invoice doesn't match the actual charges on the credit card, can you revise the quote to show actual charges? G1306101The bill shows $127.94, but the invoice reads $128.45. I understand that it's a...
Why have we not seen a FZ dev board with marauder, wireshark, and hashcat?. It would have an Sd card slot for adding wordlists and saving cracked passwords. It would facilitate PCAP files run them thr...