Hi! I am interested with this kithttps://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/PICOZX_motherboard_with_keyboard_for_ZX_Spectrum_original_case_or_standalone_c4e8136d.htmlPlease write in detail what parts...
How do I order this project board?Tandy TRS-80 Video Mixer Composite Out - Share Project - PCBWayhttps://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Tandy_TRS_80_Video_Mixer_Composite_Out_c8495d90.html
Hello Dejan, I am very intrigued with your Custom-built Servo Motor controller board. Its there anyway I can get the project file for this board I would like to and make it smaller if possible or a...
Prezados Senhores,Aquilo que quero o projeto está pronto e adquirido de site que os oferece em modo livre.Usa seis componentes apenas, trata-se de um eliminador de pilhas.Gostaria de saber qual o preç...
I want a all black flipper zero shell and black buttons made as well. Im new to this an have no clue how to go about doing so. Can you make them for me?