
[PCB Assembly] Sizif-512 rev.D1

can you populate a pcb with components ?

[PCB Prototype] Order without Gerber

Hi, I would like to order a pcb, but I don't have the Gerber file. I have the dwg file ( autocad) or from this in pdf or jpg (with dimensions). How to solve it? Could an order be placed? Thanks!

[Others] Programn fos operation DSp

Good evening everyone, is there anyone who can help me build a communication program for my Adau1701 DSP??

[PCB Prototype] OpenMV4 H7 smart camera

Hi, can you provide exactly PN of FPC24 connector for 7725 camera from this schematic https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/OpenMV4_H7_smart_camera.html. I cant find it.Thanks in advice

[PCB Design] When drawing the principle gallery, do I need to center the symbol of components at the origin?

when drawing my own principal gallery, do I need to center the symbol of components at the origin after drawing?

[PCB Prototype] Diseño de Pcb

Tengo que dise?ar el pcb del circuito eléctrico deseado o pueden hacer el pcb ustedes a partir del circuito eléctrico deseado por mí?

[PCB Prototype] Solar monitoring project ESp32 based

I would like to buy the PCB (with SMT) for the solar monitoring project by Open green energy. I want to buy the complete kit. Thank you.

[PCB Assembly] Can you create this

Can you find me a circuit board that has 1 power terminal, 4 motor terminals, and a remotely controlled navigation system (up down left and right). Please give me multiple options.Thanks.

[PCB Prototype] i want to make arduino uno clone with different frame

I live in turkey , hard to procure electronic parts . so i will buy the components clone arduino uno and put it on the board I will order from pcbwayI don't know how ...

[PCB Design] Speed Controller for Electric Bike

Is there a way to not use a spdt switch for turning the controller on and off? I am trying to make it turn on from the steering wheel. I noticed you gave a BOM list. Does it matter on type of res...
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Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 10
2 Marcell Feher 2
3 Engineer 1
4 Brandon Weatherly 1
5 Rayan Bayan 1