
[PCB Prototype] digital scale with RS232 port

hi, i am working on digital scales. i need digitila scale with comm port RS232, i need to send the data to the com port and use it in my code.can you provide me the requsted scale?

[Others] Demande de renseignements

Bonsoir, Peut on commander uniquement les composants ?J'ai déjà commandé les pcb..Si oui merci de me faire un devis. Cordialement

[PCB Design] 14 Layaer PCB (88.5 mils Thick)

I would like to improve the PDN and would prefer to have Power/GND planes closer to TOP/BOT. Please help me in rearranging the S/P/G assignments to imrove: - PDN (with P/G closer &am...

[PCB Prototype] Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V3.0

Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V3.0Hello, I would like to buy a similar board but to feed a house current.

[Others] How does an inductor block AC and let DC through ? And vice versa for a capacitor?

I think more how does a signal have both an AC and DC component? I understand that an inductor at a high frequency will have a very high impedance and thus not allow current to flow. But wouldnt that ...

[PCB Design] Esp32 + second radio module for Bluetooth

I need to have the ability to connect to both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth simultaneously. I wanted to use the ESP 32 and add a second radio module. My thought is the ESP 32 would handle the Wi-Fi ...

[Others] What type of i.d.e. is used to program the guitar effects development board?

Can you use the Arduino i.d.e. by any chance to program the guitar effects development board? I'm not an expert in this type of stuff so I thought I would ask before ordering.

[PCB Design] Altium PCB Design Solder Mask Missing Issue

Hi,I see the solder mask in my design is missing for most components.For example I have the following component in my design (Image 1). When I enable top layer I can see the component and blue colour ...
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Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 9
2 weslley ramos 1
3 Epishko Dmitry 1