
[PCB Prototype] Bus Bar Template

Do you have a design of you bus bar that would work with Lifepo4 batteries in the 280ah plus range?Thanks,

[Others] Circuit diagrams for mt3608 and mp1584

can you share your mt3608 and mp1584 modules circuit shmeatichs

[PCB Prototype] embedded capacitor technology

what are the specifications for your embedded capacitor technology?

[3D Printing] Yes, I would like a quote on a full 1u printed, prototyped, and assembled AMSAT CubeSat Sim with an extra 1u of printed scaffolding

Hi,I would like to have a quote on a fully assembled and printed as well as all the Solar panels and extra sim Stem boards and UHF etc...a full copy of the project assembled and a extra 1u or 2u of ex...

[Others] I would like this PCB board analyzed for problems and a list of components for repair

HelloI need to know as much as possible about this PCB board including any issues that would prevent its correct operation and a component list. This item is an Air conditioner controller board ...

[PCB Prototype] Alexa PCB components

Hi youmaker does not have the link of the big alexa anymore can you tell what are the components for the PCB

[Others] About mega drive fram 4mb pcb

Hi, really amazing pcb. I am looking for the same but compatible with Sega 32x cartridge shell, so only can put holes in different place. Is it possible that you can make one compatible with 32x and m...

[Others] How do I update this project page?

I put these files up a while ago and abandonned it as I could not figuree out how to create a multi-PCB/page project at that time. Now I am here to update the whole thing. There does not seem to be a ...

[PCB Design] How to use circuit board jumpers? - SparkFun jumper issue JUMPER_2_NC_TRACE_NO_SILK won't route under EAGLE 9.6.2

I asked this question over at the SparkFun forum and someone suggested I post is here because there may be more EAGLE users here.I'm using the SparkFun jumper library under EAGLE but having proble...

[PCB Prototype] All tolerances (also XY) of z-axis milling?

Heyho PCB-Way Team,I checked already the PCB capabilites, but I couldn't find a page where I can find the z-axis milling tolerances.I'm saw that there was another forum-thread, where the suppo...
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Ranking Name Answers
1 PCBWay Team 9
2 weslley ramos 1
3 Epishko Dmitry 1