Can you help in making circuit diagram and pcb design for accident prevention in the hilly region by using Arduino UnoGreen and red LEDUltrasonic sensorIR sensorTransistorResistorLED
Hi all,For a project I created a custom PCB.It's a LiPo powered PCB with ESP32-WROOM-32E module, Lipo charging module, 3.3V Voltage regulator and MPU6050 Acc/Gyro unit. Charging via USB-C connecto...
36. about power laying copperAnalog ground, power supply and digital ground, power supply is not the same, in the negative layer isolation. Double-click the isolation area to add a network.37.&n...
In order to implement a successful PCB design using motor driver ICs, the PCB must be carefully laid out. Can you provide some practical suggestions, hoping to help PCB design to achieve the good elec...
I searched everywhere and watched many eagle tutorials, but I couldn't find out how to place circle and square through hole solder pads.In the Eagle parts list, I only found the octagon solder pad...
I wanted to make single side and double sided pcb board. What are the features that I should look for in a pcb machine??like what brand to use, power consumption etc. Can anyone advice..!!
Is it a component? Came across it when converting my schematic to PCB. How do I get this in my schematic when I am supposed to recreate this schematic in Eagle?